The Vestry is the governing body of the church and is comprised of at least 12 members and officers. At the annual meeting each February, new Vestry members are elected by a vote of the congregation.
Vestry Classes:
Class of ’24: Kyle Clelan, Susan Holmes, Jim Sandman, Chris Wilson
Class of ’25: Rachel Abrecht-Litchfield, Jackie Barber, Laurie Gethin, Liz Schwartz
Class of ’26: Charlie Bolden, Matthew Dannan, Stuart Hall, Katherine Kaiser Moy (relocated, and replaced by Lloyd Belcher)
Class of ’27: John Billington, Sarah Carroll, Charles Cooper, Allison Morgan
Vestry Goals:
Over the last several years Christ Church has seen significant growth in the number of people joining the congregation. This growth has allowed us to expand some programs, add new programs and tend to some overdue maintenance issues. To ensure that we are meeting the spiritual and growth needs of our parishioners, the Vestry has established these goals:
· Deepen spirituality through increased participation, welcoming, connection, and formation opportunities for all members, including for the next generation, especially on Sunday mornings;
· Increase volunteer opportunities and outreach for people of all ages where parishioners can get to know one another; and
· Raise our visibility in the community, including community-based activities or projects for all ages.
The Vestry will be planning strategically regarding the necessary space, staff, stewardship, and lay leadership necessary to accomplish the foregoing goals.
Vestry Committees:
There are three committees led by the Vestry: Financial, Outreach, & Property. Each committee is governed by its Vestry-approved charter, and makes suggestions to the Vestry in their respective subject areas. Committee members serve a three-year term, and new applications are solicited from the congregation annually.