Sunday, January 12, 2020: “Baptism of Our Lord: On Building an Ark”

Sunday, January 12, 2020: “Baptism of Our Lord: On Building an Ark”

In the past five to seven years, Arks have been popping up all around the world. As in Noah’s Ark. In reading the 29th Psalm this morning, it just might seem like a good idea to build an Ark ourselves. The Psalmist speaks of “mighty waters” that can drench, drown, and destroy us, where “the flood sweeps over” us. But the Psalmist is speaking here of how life itself can send metaphorical floods to drown us emotionally, spiritually, and mentally, more than physically. Is there an Ark to save us from drowning in these floods? Yes! And we can start right here and now to build it. Come and find out how?