Choir at Christ Church (September – June)
Music is much valued at Christ Church and the choir is an essential part of our worship. The choir also provides a significant source of fellowship within the church community celebrating birthdays and anniversaries, gathering in prayer, and sharing bad jokes together.
At Christ Church we have no preferred musical style other than a commitment to quality. Music will change with the liturgical seasons. We sing a wide variety of hymns and anthems including ancient as well as contemporary. Choir members and other members of the congregation who play a musical instrument are encouraged to share their skills as well. Guest musicians often join us for worship. We also serve as the venue for many community musical performances.
If you like to sing, join us! Choir rehearsal is Wednesday at 7:30 pm and Sunday at 10:00 am in the sanctuary at the organ. The music ministry also needs volunteers to ring hand bells, to sing for seasonal services or play instruments. The choir rehearses and sings during the 11:00 am worship service from September through early June.
Despite their professional sound, they’re mostly volunteers. Do not let false modesty keep you from seeing the Director of Music Ministries about joining!
Contact: Richard Thibadeau, Director of Music Ministries