Sermon and Video Archive (Page 27)

Sermon and Video Archive (Page 27)

Sermon Archives

Miss a Sunday or simply need a reminder of a breakthrough faith moment? Check out our archives below – now in audio or video format.

audio (via our podcast)

The Christ Church + Washington Parish podcast can be found on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Perfect for faith on the go! 


Looking to watch a service in total or in part? Click the date below.

Table Manners

We’ve all been instructed in proper table manners at sometime in our lives. Even now, there are copious volumes of books on the subject, should we be interested in learning more. Yet, none of them have Jesus’ table manners mentioned. The reason? His are not about proper behavior; his are about character.

Lessons from the Locker Room

We can learn a lot from sports and athletics; whether we’re athletically inclined or not. The Bible is full of sports metaphors that help us understand how to better live a deeper spiritual life. Those Bible metaphors give us lessons from the locker room to help us better “run” the personal race of our own lives.

The Right Stuff

What does it take to be heroic in this life? It takes the right ingredients; “The Right Stuff.” Intriguingly, though, when we examine that right stuff, we discover that each of us can have what it takes to be heroic, because real heroes are not born, they’re made.

Your Friend is Waiting

Do you worry about your prayers being heard; if they’re really getting through Heaven’s door to get God’s attention? In this week’s Gospel lesson, Jesus tells us that we have nothing to worry about in regard to our prayers. Jesus is our friend behind that door, and he is just waiting for us to knock.

To be both Mary and Martha in this world

We find joy by being active in the world and remembering that all our activity is for Jesus.  Rev Serena Sides preaches her last sermon at Christ Church on Jesus’ visit with Mary and Martha.  Luke (10:38-42). As Jesus and his disciples went on their way, Jesus entered a certain village, where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to what he was saying. But…

Traveling Light

Summer is a great time to lighten up. We all have too much stuff, baggage, in our lives that needs sorting. That stuff can be material, or  time-consuming, or emotional. That means it’s time to sort the important things from the baggage. Jesus helps us with that by calling us to travel light, to join his advance team, and let go of the baggage. Luke 10:1-12, Psalm 30

No turning back, no turning back

In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote in federal elections, we reflect upon what it means to face a personal turning point in the name of Jesus. Luke 9:51-62