Sermon and Video Archive (Page 31)

Sermon and Video Archive (Page 31)

Sermon Archives

Miss a Sunday or simply need a reminder of a breakthrough faith moment? Check out our archives below – now in audio or video format.

audio (via our podcast)

The Christ Church + Washington Parish podcast can be found on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Perfect for faith on the go! 


Looking to watch a service in total or in part? Click the date below.

Participating in the Gospel

In this Christmas before Christmas service, we read the nativity Gospel, Luke 2:1-20, with the congregation divided into groups to speak different parts. The sermon elaborates on how participating in the Gospel reading this way reminds us that we participate in God’s grand story of humanity each day.

When it all comes together

In the introduction to John the Baptist, we see the past, present, and future of God’s work come together.  It is a moment that encourages us to have faith today that God who has begun a good work in us will see it to completion, even when it doesn’t look that way.   

Christ the Truth Sunday

On Christ the King Sunday, Jesus doesn’t seem to want to talk about being a king. He wants to talk about God’s truth–that we are all equally worthy in the eyes of God. God’s kingdom is based on this fundamental truth, to which Jesus witnesses with his life.  (John 18: 33:-37)

When grief builds a wall

The first chapter of Samuel gives an intimate view of a married couple burdened with the pain of infertility.  Faithfully they walk with the unsettled ache of grief and, in doing so, help us reflect on what to do in times when we or someone we love is deeply grieving.

The Most Important Thing

In this Bible study style sermon, Jesus, a skilled debater whose techniques would fit right in with political debates today,  reminds us of what the most important thing is even in contentious times.