Sermon and Video Archive (Page 32)

Sermon and Video Archive (Page 32)

Sermon Archives

Miss a Sunday or simply need a reminder of a breakthrough faith moment? Check out our archives below – now in audio or video format.

audio (via our podcast)

The Christ Church + Washington Parish podcast can be found on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Perfect for faith on the go! 


Looking to watch a service in total or in part? Click the date below.

Be God’s instrument of healing in this world

In a world in need of healing, we can start with ourselves but ultimately our healing depends on helping others be healed.  God calls us to bring ourselves to Jesus for healing and to reach out to those on the margins, in grief, in pain, or with other needs, to bring them to Jesus for healing as well.

The Farcical Comedy of Esther

With the backdrop of the past week in Washington (Ford/Kavanaugh hearings), the story of Esther resonates in a myriad of ways and leaves us with the question – “for just such a time as this” what do we do?

Examining our hearts

Jesus encourages us to examine what we carry in our hearts and to bring our hearts close to God and our neighbor. What is in your heart? Where is your heart? (Mark 7: 1-8, 14-15, 21-23)