Sermon and Video Archive (Page 34)

Sermon and Video Archive (Page 34)

Sermon Archives

Miss a Sunday or simply need a reminder of a breakthrough faith moment? Check out our archives below – now in audio or video format.

audio (via our podcast)

The Christ Church + Washington Parish podcast can be found on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Perfect for faith on the go! 


Looking to watch a service in total or in part? Click the date below.

God really is that inclusive

God’s love is so expansive that the Holy Spirit comes upon both Gentiles and Jews. Sadly, we fail to understand this and we show partiality in our lives. There is hope in the power of the Holy Spirit to act through us so God’s love overcomes our partiality. (Acts 10:44-48)

God has faith in each of us

God has faith in all of us, even people with whom we disagree. In the wake of tragedy, ground your actions in God’s faith in us and in God’s faith in others.   (Genesis 17:1-7, 15016, Romans 4:13-25)