Become a Member

Become a Member

Membership at CC+WP

We’re so pleased you’d like to learn more about becoming an official member of Christ Church + Washington Parish.

First and foremost, we want you to know that whether or not you go through the official process to “join,” if you think of yourself as a member, then we do too. The official process and formal parameters outlined below spring from the larger Episcopal Church, and simply help us gauge and report on parish health and wellbeing.

That said, onto the details….

How to become a member

In order to officially join CC+WP, we simply ask you to fill out this form. It will request some biographical info, as well as ask specifically about baptism and any past church memberships. As much info as you can provide is helpful to our records, but if there are gaps in memory, no problem.

According to the Episcopal Church, a voting member of a local parish must have been baptized. Because we welcome and maintain a flourishing congregation that includes nearly every faith background, Christ Church also has a designation of “Associate Member,” the only difference being a lack of voting capability during our annual meeting. By all other metrics, a member of CC+WP. That said, if you are not baptized, but have interest in exploring this path, please reach out to the office to be connected to our clergy.

Whether joining as a member or associate member, we hope you feel at home enough to make your affiliation with us official. Our doors are always open to you, and we are eager to grow with you on your faith journey.