


The Rev’d John A. Kellogg

John and his wife, Tait, enjoy spending time exploring Capitol Hill with their sons, Alec and Hoke. John envisions Christ Church as a community known for its radical welcome — where people of all races, ages, incomes, sexual orientations and political leanings gather around the same table. He believes running is a spiritual practice and would love to talk to you about the New Orleans Saints. Prior to becoming Rector of Christ Church, John worked for the Bishop of the…
Associate Rector

The Rev’d Winnie Smith Cavanaugh

Winnie Smith Cavanugh joins us after nearly two years as Associate Rector at Church of the Redeemer in Bryn Mawr, PA. A graduate of Sewanee: the University of the South and Virginia Theological Seminary, she is no stranger to the DC area having worked at United Way Worldwide in Alexandria for several years before discerning a call to the priesthood and beginning her seminary studies in 2019.  Winnie served as Director of Youth Ministries at St. Luke’s Church in Darien,…
Associate of Music Ministries

Richard Thibadeau

As part-time organist and choirmaster and active recruiter for other instrumentalists to join in worship at Christ Church, Richard welcomes anyone interested in exploring music ministry to join the choir — no formal audition required! The choir includes singers with a wide range of experience. Music is selected from all periods and styles of sacred literature. Additionally, working with the rector, Richard incorporates congregational music for the liturgy. To contact Richard, please email him.

Jordan Zappala

A graduate of Notre Dame (BA) and Boston University (MS), Jordan lives on Capitol Hill with her wife, Melissa, and two children, Evie and Luca. Prior to serving as Administrator of Christ Church, Jordan worked as the Director of Institutional Giving for the National Archives Foundation.   You can reach Jordan at

Erin Bowers

Erin Bowers is so excited to serve this fabulous parish as seminarian! A biochemist by trade, she works as a patent examiner for the US Patent and Trademark Office and has just started her first year at the General Theological Seminary. She lives in Petworth with her husband, Jason, and two silly cats. Outside of work and church, she enjoys powerlifting and reading epic fantasy novels. 
Children’s Minister

Margaret Belcher

Margaret Belcher is a portrait artist and muralist who grew up in Miami, Florida, and now lives in Capitol Hill with her husband, Lloyd, and two precocious children: Stewart and Parker. Margaret is dedicated to supporting the flourishing children’s ministries here at Christ Church, as well as the community that comes with it.
Finance Manager

Andrea McCants

Andrea is responsible for the bookkeeping at Christ Church, as well as Congressional Cemetery. She enjoys running, the occasional glass of wine, and spending time with her granddaughter. Andrea and her husband live in Baltimore. Andrea can be reached at

Kevin Lindsay

Kevin is a long-time Christ Church employee and is responsible for the care and upkeep of the church complex. You can reach Kevin by calling the church office: 202-547-9300.