Service within Christ Church

Service within Christ Church

Many volunteers are needed to make Christ Church’s Sunday worship a rewarding experience for all. We welcome both new parishioners and longtime members in any role – simply reach out to the office if you are new to us so that we can provide training and support.

Anyone can sign up by clicking the button below, or on the physical sheets in the Parish hallway.


The ushers welcome parishioners and newcomers, hand out bulletins, direct traffic, take up the offering and present the gifts at the altar.  Please sign up above if interested, and reach out to the office with questions.

Readers (Lectors)

Reading one of the lessons at a Sunday service is a wonderful way to publicly take part in the service.  Anyone (youth or adult) may read, and you will receive a reminder email prior to the date of service which includes the readings for the week. Please sign up above if interested.

Prayers of the People

Having the Prayers of the People come from the congregation is a cherished part of Christ Church’s liturgical identity.  Anyone may sign up to lead the prayers at the link above.


Flowers return beauty to God and gladden our hearts. If you volunteer to provide flowers for our historic altar, please arrange the flowers on Saturday. Following the last Sunday service of the day, feel free to take the flowers (please leave the vases!) to someone who would be cheered by them.

Fellowship hour

Following both Sunday services, the congregation gathers for fellowship in the Parish Hall for coffee and light refreshments. Sign up here to honor a birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion, or to simply celebrate our community. 


Many churches have worship committees. Christ Church has Liturgists, whose members strive to engage the congregation in the various components of worship.

At their monthly meetings, Liturgists work with the rector to plan the Sunday services and reflect on the worship life of the congregation. Serving as a lector or intercessor (leading prayers) is a great way to take part in worship.  If you want to be join the Liturgist group, we’d love to have you! Simply reach out to the office to express interest. Some tips for lectors are here.

Choir and Musicians

Despite their professional sound, they’re mostly volunteers. Do not let false modesty keep you from seeing the Associate for Music Ministries about joining. The music ministry also needs volunteers to ring hand bells, to sing for seasonal services or to play instruments.  Choir rehearsal is on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings.  Contact Richard Thibadeau for more information.


Young people aged 8+ may become acolytes, and serve through high school. Parents of those young members interested in serving can reach out to the rector or the office for more information. Learn more about our additional Children’s Ministries here.